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No1-2(5) 2022

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DOI 10.37219/2528-8253-2022-1-11

Bobrov AL, Borisenko OM, Malisheva TA, Pedachenko AE, Papp OV
Morphological evaluation of the effect of continuous direct electrostimulation with the help of the bioelectric system on the denervated circular musculature of the eye in case of experimental single facial nerve injury
Bobrov Andrey L.
State Institution “O.S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine”; Kyiv, Ukraine.
Senior Researcher, Ear Microsurgery and Otoneurosurgery Department

Borisenko Oleg M.
State Institution “O.S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine”; Kyiv, Ukraine.
Head of Ear Microsurgery and Otoneurosurgery Department
Doctor of Medical Sciences

Pedachenko Anastasia Evgenievna
State Institution “O.S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine”; Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ear Microsurgery and Otoneurosurgery Department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Orchid ID:

Malysheva Tatyana
The State Institution “Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine”; Kyiv, Ukraine
Head of Neuropathomorphology Department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Orchid ID:

Papp Alexander V.
State Institution “O.S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine”; Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ear Microsurgery and Otoneurosurgery Department


The use of direct electrical stimulation to produce shortening of the denervated circular oculus in experimental facial nerve palsy (FNP) allows for complete closure of the ocular slit.
The aim of this study is to study morphological changes in the nerves under the influence of direct electrical stimulation with biphasic pulses over a long period of time.
Materials and methods: A model of a single facial nerve injury with consequent paralysis of orbicularis oculi muscle was created in the experiment on 12 adult animals. The animals were divided into 2 groups: main and control. In the main group, the stimulating part of the bioelectric device for eye closure was implanted, after which the ability to work in real-time mode to perform long-duration stimulation of orbicularis oculi muscle was tested. The control group did not receive any effect effects on orbicularis oculi muscle. After 30 days, all the animals underwent orbicularis oculi muscle elimination on the side of the facial nerve palsy with the following morphological examination.
Results: An intergroup comparative analysis using the nonparametric U-Mann-Whitney criterion for changes in the Ki-67 proliferation index revealed a statistically significant difference between the comparison group and the experimental group, that was affected by the electrical stimulation with the increase of the parameter for the group with electrical stimulation according to the control group from 28,3 (25,0; 30.8) to 30.9 (28.8; 33.3), or 1.1 times (p=0.04); Analysis of variation in mitochondrial photocurrent density revealed statistically significant differences between the control group and the experimental group, with the increase of this parameter for the group with electrical stimulation compared with the control group from 10.5 (6.3; 14.4) to 15.8 (12.8 17,6), i.e. by
1.5 times (p=0.0004); a statistically significant increase of the parameter for the group with electrical stimulation versus the control group from 48,9 (40,6; 63.0) to 64.4 (60.0; 72.4), i.e. by a factor of 1.3 (p = 0.00005).
Conclusions: The assessment of the effects of electrostimulation on the musculoskeletal apparatus after neuroraphy (in the experiment) revealed structural and ultrastructural changes, indicating the increased morphofunctional activity of renewed regeneration of muscle fibers in the study under the influence of direct electrical stimulation. In addition, no specific pathological changes were detected under the influence of direct electrostimulation for 30 days.


effects of electrostimulation on the musculoskeletal apparatus


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